a place to walk through
life together
Reaching and embracing people through the life changing love of Jesus Christ.
Christ Community Fellowship is an elder-governed church with the priority to provide a safe place for encountering God through the moving of Holy Spirit and teaching of God’s word. Our passion is to reach out to people with an authentic heart so they will experience community, establish their purpose, and fulfill their destiny.

"This is the day the Lord
has made; We will rejoice
and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
Sunday Morning Service @ 10:15
Sunday Morning Sunday School @ 9:00
(in the Generation's Building - led by Mickey McCall)
Sunday Night Bible Study @ 6:00
(in the Generation's Building- led by Donnie Allred)
Wednesday Night Generation's Youth (6th-12th Grade) @ 6:00
Wednesday Night Kids Connection (pre-k thru 5th Grade) @ 6:00
**Dinner provided for Youth and Kids on Wednesday Nights**
Wednesday Night Life Groups:
Donnie Allred - 6-8 pm @ the Allred home
Becky Dickerson - 6-8 pm
Britney Fields - 7-8 pm @ the Fields home
Perry & Melanie Kirkland 6-8 pm @ the Kirkland home